I am a nonfiction writer with a passion for telling true stories through reported articles, essays and an upcoming self-help memoir.

My freelance work includes regular contributions to national publications.

featured on

newsweek • huffpost • business insider • shondaland •

featured on newsweek • huffpost • business insider • shondaland •

i Left my 6-figure career to find happiness. Here’s how i did it

“For 15 years, I battled anxiety, panic attacks, and bouts of insomnia. I began to sweep a swatch of hair over a growing bald spot.”

The Latest trend IS… Learning sanskriT?

And the benefits are supported by both contemporary research and ancient wisdom.

Family with newborn baby

My pregnancy was super easy in the beginning

Then at week 27 I was told my baby was too small and might not survive.

Filipino American History Matters

Filipinos are third largest Asian American group in the U.S. with 4.2 million Filipinos. But we continue to live in the shadows.

My 7-year-old daughter never slept through the night

A visit to a pediatric chiropractor finally helped her sleep.

How ‘The Artist’s Way’ Helped Save My Life

A burned-out wife, mother, and executive turns to Julia Cameron’s landmark self-improvement book to rebuild her power with creativity. Download Article

I’m a Believer who married a skeptic

A writer reconciles how she can thrive in a relationship with a partner who doesn’t share her spiritual beliefs. Download Article


For two weeks I put myself through a mind/body experiment -- no iPhone or iPad usage after 8:30 p.m. or before 45 minutes of waking up in the mornings.